Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Blog, New Freebie

Hello there!
I think that this blog... well if my other blogs are any indication, it will eventually just sit here, but the idea right now is that I'm going to use it to display my art and other digital adventures.

Last night I got the bug out of nowhere, maybe because I should have been studying or doing something of value, and I made this mini kit out of the blue for Kim's DSO Colour challenge. It has historically been one of my favoritest challenges of all time after all. So I hope you enjoy, it was fun to make.

Here's Absolutely! 5 textured, gradient-y, half tone-y papers, a handful of stapled kraft paper elements, a full alpha (on sheets only, I didn't include the individual alpha png's in the interest of saving space, but if somebody really wants that I could clip 'em for you) and some doodley word art.


Ciao for now!